Dr. Nathan Schloemer – Immunotherapy for Sarcoma - There has been only minimal increase in
survival for sarcoma patients over the last 40 years. Metastatic disease and distant recurrences
account for the majority of deaths. New treatments must target metastatic disease to impact
survival outcomes. Immunotherapy has revolutionized treatments in many metastatic malignancies
but has thus far disappointed in sarcoma. Harnessing novel cell populations and immunotherapy
combinations are necessary to improve sarcoma outcomes. Natural Killer (NK) cells are crucial
tumor-clearing members of the innate immune system that, when found within solid tumors,
correlate with positive outcomes and can bridge the gap between the innate and adaptive immune
systems. How to best utilize or modulate NK cells as immunotherapy is poorly understood and
consequently relatively unexploited in sarcomas. The NSG.Tg(hu.IL-15) murine model maintains
mature human NK cells allowing for NK cell immunomodulation and anti-sarcoma assessments. In
this model we have shown lentivirally transduced sarcomas producing IL-12 activate NK cells and
block tumor formation1 . We will define the local and systemic feedback loops generated in this
response to maximize anti-tumor killing, optimizing the fate control system to limit side effects, and
generate the preclinical efficacy and safety necessary to develop future immunotherapy trials.
Additionally, I am continuing the project for the development/implementation of the CD30 Bi-
specific antibody-armed, anti-CD3-activated, autologous T-cells clinical trial in collaboration with
Drs. Medin and Schwartz. This Phase I trial will provide a novel cellular therapy for children with
relapsed/refractory CD30+ malignancies which includes lymphomas, leukemias, and solid tumors
such as neuroblastoma and sarcomas. Dr. Schloemer is the Assistant Professor of Pediatrics-
Division Hematology/Oncology/BMT for Children's Wisconsin since 2016.